Soldiers’ Graves

Architect Erik Bryggman designed memorial plaques and a monument for nine fallen soldiers of the Finnish Civil War of 1918. The plagues and monument were inaugurated in the 1920s. The memorial for the wars between 1939 and 1944 was designed by Erik Lindroos and erected in 1953. In this context, the impressive memorial for those fallen in the Finnish Civil War was “abandoned”; only the front plaque with the text was salvaged and attached to the new monument. Similarly, the memorial plaques for those fallen in the Finnish Civil War were replaced by white wooden crosses, similar to those erected for the fallen soldiers in the Winter War and Continuation War. The cemetery houses a total of 126 white wooden crosses: 9 for the Finnish Civil War, 55 for the Winter War, and 62 for the Continuation War.


Sources: Malax Museiförening, scanned images, Helge Granholm, Malax församling’s website, the book Malaxbygdens stupade. Compiled by Jarl Silver.

Last Updated: 09.01.2024 11:05